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English Channel Three: Double Identity - Student's Book
The Student's Book will take you through a thorough exploitation of the material. There will be pre-watching tasks, post-watching tasks and while-watching tasks. All of these will generate classroom conversation. At one time teachers feared that video would leave students in a passive role. This is quite wrong. This is teaching material designed to promote classroom interaction. It is NOT "comprehension" material like real movies or real TV. Having exploited the video, the Student's Books provide further material on the same topic which can be done later. The Student's Book has sub-syllabuses on communication skills, grammar, vocabulary, learner skills, reading, pronunciation.

The Student's Book contains for each of the eight episodes:

Watching the Video
Four pages of activities for classroom exploitation. Though these could be done in a single classroom lesson, we recommend allowing a double lesson (90 to 100 minutes) for the exploitation of the video.

In general, the activities follow this format:
Student's Book page 4

Viewing of the complete episode:
• Pre-tasks (Before you watch)
• Watch the whole episode
• Post-tasks (After you watch)

Left: Episode 1, first page

At this level, it is generally best to let students see the whole episode. If you are using the video at higher levels, you might choose to exploit it section by section without this initial global viewing. In units 7 and 8, where there is value in preserving the mystery, we suggest exploiting section by section without the initial viewing of the complete episode.

The episode is then divided into sections (usually four, though episode 7 has five sections) for detailed exploitation. Each section consists of:
Student's Book page 52

• Pre-tasks (Before you watch)

Left: Episode 7, Section 1 Before You Watch

• Watch the section

Student's Book page 45, section 1

• While you watch activity (optional)

Left: Episode 6, Section 1. While you watch / After you watch

Student's Book page 30

• Post-tasks (After you watch)

Left: Episode 4, Section 3, Before You watch, After you watch

• Watch the whole episode again
It's most important to let students watch the whole episode again, so that they can feel how much their comprehension has increased as a result of the exploitation tasks. This may be followed by a post task.

• Detective work
This activity invites students to speculate on things which are not seen (but are implied) in the video.

Detective Work
Episode 1, Detective Work

If you simply follow the activities suggested, you will have a thorough exploitation of the materials.
Student's Book page 8


This section can be used at any time during work on a particular video for reference, or later (without access to video equipment) as further exercises. The further exercises either have a Communication Skill or a Vocabulary biias. We put this on the fifth page of each unit as the words may be needed in subsequent work (especially Tell The story).

Left: Episode 1 Extension: background information


The exercises will provide additional work based on the story of each episode.
The Exercises are related to the story of the video, but can be done in a subsequent lesson, without access to video equipment. If time is short, the Exercises page can be done as homework.

Right: Episode 4 Exercises

Student's Book page 33
Student's Book page 34


A complete language summary of each video for reference. These may be referred to if problems are experienced earlier in the video unit.

Left: Episode 4, Reference

• The Story So Far

This is the sixth page of each video unit. It is a freer activity, and during it, students will be able to refer to the Vocabulary on the directly facing page. Right from video one, students will be able to say something about each picture. These pictures may also be used for various paired activities (see right). The Teacher's Book gives a number of model answers based on the structures and functions covered during the episode.

Right: Episode 1, The Story so Far

Student's Book page 11
We recommend that these should not be used in class, but in our experience the great majority of students wish to have a transcript to which they can refer AFTER the lesson. We have found that students make copious notes and add translations to transcripts of videos, and this is usually done at home, on their own. Such extra work can only be advantageous, even though most experienced video teachers would opt strongly for discouraging their use before viewing.


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